What is Content Marketing? And How To Do It?

If you are a beginner blogger, then you need to immediately know what is content marketing or content marketing. This is one of the marketing techniques that is getting more and more preferred and is replacing traditional marketing techniques. But what exactly is content marketing?

Content Marketing or content marketing is a marketing strategy that focuses on creating and distributing quality articles relevant and quality that attracts readers which of course the end goal is to make a profit.

One of the main focuses of content marketing is driving understanding from the reader; to follow the mindset of the articles presented. One thing you need to know is that content marketing or efforts to create quality content is part of many marketing methods.

I myself have seen many websites or blogs whose marketing conversions are so bad, because they completely ignore this so-called content marketing. Now consider some of these marketing strategies, be it Social Media Marketing; Marketing by relying on SEO; Paid Per Click; and many more other marketing; all of them need content marketing if you want to make a profit. 

So you can take many marketing methods to reach a wider market; but in the end you will need content marketing to make the market you reach need your product or service. 

So if other marketing methods are aimed at promoting your business; then content marketing is aimed at making those who already know your business need your business. For that, here we try to present the important points that you should pay attention to. Do not let you do very hard marketing without seeing any results at all.

Top Priority In Doing Content Marketing

If you want to know how to do content marketing, then you need to know in advance the priorities or goals you want to achieve from doing this technique. In simple terms there are 4 priorities that you need to achieve here, namely:

Building Reputation ; content marketing or content marketing techniques that you do should be able to build a good reputation for you. You will want people to think positively when someone hears the name or brand of your business

Make You Popular ; Too many marketers today are focused on creating content that, if posted on social media, will immediately be shared by people who read excerpts of that content on other people's statuses. So can you create content that makes people not hesitate to click the share button?

Getting "Followers" ; if you you have done the 2 steps above correctly, then automatically people will start to appear who follow you and want to know your thoughts and steps in each case. This is the main priority or goal of all content marketing processes that we will do.

How to Do Your Content Marketing

As a start in doing your content marketing; then there are several things you can do to build your online reputation from the start, namely:

Building Popularity on Social Media

It's good from the start you create a blog or make your website already have a fan page. Why? A year or two from now you will be less dependent on search engines if you have enough followers. Not to mention that social media is more capable in building a reputation, because those who follow you clearly recognize the quality of your content.

Social media is better than search engines when it comes to "holding the tail" of your visitors. If a visitor from a search engine disappears immediately upon leaving your page; then followers from social media can always be poked every time you post

Become a Guest Writer or Guest Post

Actually opening a guest post column and being a guest writer will be mutually beneficial; it's just that this has not become a habit in Indonesia. It has long been popular on overseas websites; and the results were amazing.

Those who open the guest post column will get a very good update frequency rate; which I can guarantee is one of the important SEO factors today. As for those who are guest writers, they can get quality relevant dofollow backlinks; which could be the equivalent of 100 or even 1000 irrelevant dofollow backlinks. Have you ever thought about opening a guest post here; but not sure anyone wants to be a guest writer here

By being a guest writer you can attract the attention of the followers of people whose websites are already popular; and one by one they will start reading your content too. Actually, this guest post-style content marketing can become a culture that is a win win solution; but somehow not so popular.

The more popular the website or blog where you are a guest writer; then you should make more quality content as well. Why? So that your chances of making your articles popular on other people's websites are getting bigger; so that more and more people see your page. 

Imagine if your article on that person's website becomes a TOP ARTICLE or even ranks 1 on Google because of the influence of domain authority from other people's websites; Of course, more and more people will see your link on the website; and it's of course free. So invest a little time writing a great article if you're a guest writer on a popular blog.