How to Use Ok Google On Smartphone 2022

The presence of Google Assistant makes it easy for smartphone users, including those of us in Indonesia. The presence of the latest Google Assistant which supports Indonesian can be used by simply giving the command "Ok Google, on our smartphone.

Google will provide the information we need. on this occasion I will give a complete review for computer friends wherever they are. Ok, instead of lingering, let's get straight to the topic of the review.

How to Use Ok Google On Smartphone 2022

How to use OK Google with the desired language

The first thing you need to prepare on your computer to be able to use the OK Google service is to prepare a smartphone device with a minimum of Android 5.0 or iOS 9.1 OS. Don't forget to update the "Google Search" application.

Then your computer buddy just needs to configure the language settings to the language settings you choose so you can use the OK Google service. If everything has been done, computer friends can use the OK Google Indonesian service by pressing and holding the "Home" button.

Then say the command "OK Google" on the smartphone you have. Continue by saying the search keyword in Indonesian, then the Google Assistant will answer it in Indonesian.

What if the OK Google command can't work on a smartphone device?

The first thing you do is check the microphone function on your smartphone device. Make sure the microphone on the smartphone can work properly and can be used to record sound. If your computer buddy finds the microphone dirty, clean the microphone on your smartphone using a cotton swab or cotton swab.

Check the language settings, you can do the language settings by pressing the "Settings" button => "Google" => "Service tab" Then on the "Search" menu => "Voice" select the "Language" option. In order for the Google Assistant application to work properly, please disable other Voice applications besides Google Assistant on your smartphone device.

If the above method does not solve the problem, your computer can reset the Google Assistant configuration by pressing the "Google" button => "Settings" => "Search" => "Voice", then select "OK Google" Detection or Voice Match. Activate the toggle “Say OK Google any time” this will take you to the initial settings of the Google Assistant.

That's a review on how to use OK Google in Indonesian, hopefully the above review can be useful for computer friends wherever they are. See you again in the next computer technology review topic.

How to Enable “Ok Google”

Today, you can see on television that commercials promoting Ok Google are being shown intensively. Seeing these ads, of course, everyone wants to try the sophistication of this latest service from Google. Make sure the Google apps installed on your device are the latest.

  • To update Google App, you can update directly via Play Store
  • At the top left, press the menu which has a 3 line icon > Settings > Sound > Detect “Ok Google”
  • Continue by placing a check mark next to the word “From Google App”
  • How to Enable “Ok Google” How to Use Ok Google
  • Enter your voice model on Google
  • If you decide to enable the “From all screens” setting then other voice command services will not work.

Terms of Using Ok Google

After seeing how to use Ok Google, you might recommend giving this service a try. Voice & Radio Activity Settings settings to start this voice command feature from Google

The presence of Ok Google's service is of course well received by all users of this largest search engine. In fact, this service is felt to make it easier for us to do something. You can use this Ok Google service when you're doing other activities that don't allow you to type, such as driving, eating, or taking a shower. In conclusion, Ok Google's service is a sophisticated innovation and has a positive impact on users.

Well, how to use Ok Google along with voice commands that are usually used by other Ok Google users. You can try this service right away with your phone or tablet. Make sure you are not in a noisy place to ensure the accuracy of this service.

If necessary, use earphones and hold the microphone to your mouth. Come on, try the Ok Google voice command service right now.