What is Word Of Mouth Marketing: Advantages & Disadvantages

What is Word Of Mouth Marketing: Advantages & Disadvantages

In business, you must have heard the term "Word of Mouth." Let's get to know again the Definition of Word of Mouth Marketing: Strengths & Weaknesses. WOMM is when a customer's interest in your product or service is reflected in everyday conversation. In practice Word of Mouth is also called free marketing where someone (customer) talks about your business or recommends your product to others organically.

Word Of Mouth Marketing Statistics

Some research results regarding Word of Mouth:

According to Nielsen, 92% of customers trust recommendations from friends or family more than any other type of advertising. Beyond the recommendations of friends or family 68% of customers trust online reviews from other customers.

Radius Global states that Millennials rank WOM as the #1 influencer in their buying decisions.

According to Ogilvy/Google/TNS 74% of customers use WOM as a key influencer in their purchasing decisions.

Advantages of Word Of Mouth Marketing

-Increase sales without spending an advertising budget: with recommendations that come naturally from satisfied customers with your services and products, you don't need to spend more on advertising. The level of trust of recommendations that come from other people is higher than with regular ads.

  • Effective and efficient: Positive Word of Mouth Marketing will keep customers coming back, and referring other customers who also keep coming back, then referring to more customers.
  • Not limited by space and time: Unlike traditional advertising, WOM can be done anywhere and anytime without knowing the boundaries of space and time.
  • Increase trust and loyalty to your brand.
Word Of Mouth Marketing: Advantages & Disadvantages

Disadvantages of WOMM Marketing Strategy

If you expect positive word of mouth, you need good service and product quality. If you do not have one of these then this strategy cannot be executed.

In addition, another drawback is that people often forget to recommend products or services to people around them, to avoid this you as a business owner can continue to establish good relationships with existing customers, that way when your business can be at the top of your customer's mind

Here are some examples of word of mouth marketing strategies you can do:

Ask for Customer Testimonials: as a business you must always encourage customers to give reviews of your products. Then you can share the review on your business's social media.

Interacting on Social Media: when a brand begins to join the conversation on social media, it opens up opportunities for WOM to enter. Positive and memorable social media interactions can build a community around a brand. In addition, social media can also help you build a strong and original image.

Interact with Customers: in addition to replying to comments, you can also encourage customers to provide referrals for your products, these referrals can be wrapped in discounts, coupons or free products to attract customers.

Netflix is ​​a brand that often uses Word of Mouth in its marketing strategy, popularizing binge-watching with its organic tagline Netflix & Chill. Netflix often uses social media to promote itself and then it is a huge success.